Creative &

Every communication vehicle communicates something about Venture. Consistency and clarity ensure that our brand remains strong and meaningful. This is aided by the use of key messages and good communication practices. Venture Creative takes great pride in trying to complete your request as quickly as possible. Please provide as much information as possible. We will always try our best to meet your requested timeline so the more information you can give up front will allow us to do our best to meet your timeline based which the tier level/scale that your project falls.


If you need promotion for your ministry or an event that is on the Venture Events Calendar, please let us know with the following form. Upon receipt of your request, our team will make an assessment of what forms of communication would best apply to your need and when it best fits into the communication calendar. Events & promotions will be automatically added in the Events section on our website and the app with your submission.

Submit your request 6 weeks prior to the date of your event.


These include postcards, invite cards, ministry-specific branded shirts, signage, social media posts, etc. If you are requesting ministry or events shirts or swag, please ensure that the request and quantities have been approved prior to submitting a creative request.

Submitted 5 weeks prior to the date needed to accommodate the production and shipping of your deliverables.

content capture

Need photos for your ministry or video for a particular event? Use this form to request support from our content capture team.

Submit requests 4 weeks prior to the date of your event for photos or 6 weeks prior to the video air date.


We're always on the look out for stories of how God is moving at Venture so that we can encourage our church with them! If you or someone in your ministry has a story of life-change that they'd like to share, please fill out the following form and we will be in touch with you on how we can best share your story!